The Surprise I Warned Y’all About ~ In Which I Have a Shameless Plug, AMong Other Things Hehe

I dunno how many of y’all read yesterday’s post, but in that post, I said I had a surprise that was coming out today. And this post houses that surprise!! Ta-daaaa!!

(you gotta. . . . you gotta scroll. . . . just a li’l bit. . . . just. . . .)

There ya go!

I’m starting a new blog!


It’s called i feel like a fairy and it’s all about finding joy in the little things! I write about books, music, and. . . . finding joy in the little things LOL

It just launched TODAY and there’s actually a blog tour going on right now! It ends next Tuesday, but until then, several bloggers and email listers are writing posts and emails about the blog and interviewing me and it’s gonna be so fun! The blog tour hub is over on the iflaf home page, so if you’re interested in checking it out, head on over there!

I’m super duper excited about this and I’m looking forward to seeing how this blog grows me and its readers.

So yeah! That’s my surprise!

I hope you guys go and check it out! I spent a lot of time on it and I’m very proud of the result. I already have four posts published, so there should be a decent sampling of my wares.

Welp, that’s all I had for today. Toodles!

Fifty?!! ~ In Which AHHH FIFTY FOLLOWERS!!!!


That’s really cool. I wanna know how they made it.

Anyways, yes, you read the title right!! I have achieved fifty followers!! (Technically 54, but y’know) This post is running late, so nothing exciting today, other than a massive thank you to all of my followers!! I’ve been blogging for six months now, and it’s crazy that I got 50 followers in just six months! Y’all are all amazing and I’m so thankful!!

Before I end this very short post, I just want to ask if anyone has any fun ideas I could do to celebrate? I was thinking answering your questions, but I’ve already been tagged for a lot of awards and I’ve been answering a lot of questions in those posts. So, cool ideas? If I see one that I especially like, I’ll announce it in next week’s post!

Well, I’m going to go cry happy tears about reaching 50 followers!! Thank y’all so much, and I’ll see you next time!!

Thanks for reading!